Thursday, September 16, 2010

Welcome to the World of Neena!

I was called Mrs. Hobart, Karen, Karen June or KJ most of my life until my husband and I moved from northern Iowa after the birth of our first grandbaby, Jacob.  First born Jacob was in charge of my new name. I was Nana for two years and then one day he woke from a nap and said, “I think you should be Neena!” I’ve been Neena ever since!

I have hundreds of journals and thousands of scraps of paper reveal the treasures of my heart. Thus the name of my blog was also born:  Neena’s Scraps of Paper

The treasures of my heart are:  First and foremost, my love for Jesus!  How He showed me in His mercy and grace that our past has a voice but only for the purpose of building His kingdom.

Second, my love for my husband who puts up with all my scraps of paper that follow me wherever I go.  He loves me in spite of my weaknesses and allows me to follow God’s voice as I hear Him call. He has listened to my endless adventures with Jesus without interruption for over forty years now.   He was an only child until he was 12 and then had two brothers so he was more than content with one child maybe two.  However, he allowed me to let Jesus decide our family for us and we were granted seven children.  He was a superintendent of schools for thirty years while we experienced the heartbreak and joys of parenting.  In our forty years of marriage we have walked a journey together and it continues today.

Third is my intense love for my family, our nation and Israel.   I will introduce our children individually later but for now let me tell you their names.  Their names were chosen by their Dad and represent our love for the nation of Israel:  Micah, Seth Aaron, Rachel, Leah, Caleb Peter, Sarah Elizabeth, and Rebekah.

Fourth is my love for my friends that God has orchestrated in my life and the role he has called me as a mentor and family coach. 

Fifth is just finally recognizing that God created me and all my many interests. That He loves me perfectly with all my imperfections. I love to write, sew, pretend, paint, read, problem solve, speak and create.  I love anything that brings laughter and builds the intimacy of families. I look forward to sharing my Scraps of Paper with everyone!


Neena alias Karen Hobart

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