Thursday, September 16, 2010

Head on with a TEXAS TECH FREAK

Question of the day?  What does it mean to be a Texas Tech freak? I could not figure that out so I ask my son in law Ryan who happens to be just that: Texas Tech freak, which means that he thinks just because his career as an architect was started on that campus that he has to decorate the neighborhood with double T’s and dress in red and black until the football season subsides!  I really was not too much involved the “GUNS UP”  issues that he seemed to have until their first baby arrived exactly one year ago.  Why did that have anything to do with me?  With the resounding message of the ultra sound that said “I am a girl”  he traveled to Lubbuck from Dallas  to buy fabric (he was not aware he could go to JoAnnes Fabric and buy it for 2 bucks a yard) and he gave it to me, Neena the seamtress! 

Somehow the fabric from Lubbuck crawled away from me never to be found again!  The first football game has passed (they won…I think) and Grace’s uniform that will match their house for the next three months had become a crisis.  However, on Saturday Joannes in Dallas saved the day as they traveled to the fabric store more double T fabric.

Feeling the shame of not caring about the football season I tried to redeem myself and quickly made a pillowcase dress that would be the envy of others who post on Ebay store, craigslist or Sports boutiques across the nation. 

I delivered yesterday, smiling, anticipating the great hurrah that every mom of seven kids and seven grandbabies deserves!  The first response:  “Why are the double T’s upside down?”  My response “Are sure sure they are?”  “yes”  UPPPPS so goes the life of Neena

1 comment:

  1. Ryan wants to know when Grace's dress is going to be fixed??? :-) LOL Love you, Momma!
